30 questions that can be asked

  1. how much does it cost
  2. Why is it necessary
  3. What is its History
  4. What are its Lgbtq problems
  5. What Countries use uniforms
  6. What Countries dont use uniforms
  7. How is it in japan
  8. What Laws of uniforms
  9. How are the Curfews
  10. Why is japans so strict about uniforms
  11. What are the Cheap alternatives
  12. What are Designer uniforms
  13. What are Style restrictions
  14. What are  the Enviromental issues
  15. How it correlates with prison
  16. What are People’s reactions?
  17. What are the Cultural background?
  18. What are Religious background?
  19. What are Success rates?
  20. What are the benefits of uniforms?
  21. What are Psychological effects of uniforms?
  22. School uniform fashion?
  23. What does Uniform say (statement)?
  24. What are Problem caused by uniforms?
  25. What are the Negative reinforcements from school uniforms?
  26. What are the Positive reinforcement from school uniforms?
  27. How does school uniform change school life?
  28. Are accessories allowed?
  29. Is there any identity crisis?
  30. Is there any diversity crisis?

By Kawasaki Drifter & Gobou

