Different perspectives

Student's Perspectives
     Being a former student (and an anti-school uniform side in this debate) my perspective on this matter is that school uniforms are restrictive and suppresses diversity and freedom of expression. The suppression of diversity at an early age nonetheless, I would think it plays a rather negative role in learning to respect other's personality. I would also think being unable express freely would be negative in creating one's personality as well
     However, school uniforms may be a savior to some people, as they have no need to choose clothes in the morning. It also sometimes help people who are poor, and feel discouraged by the clothes they can afford, because some people does not have the power (money) to choose.

Teacher's Perspectives
     I would expect school uniforms as another task to keep up as a teacher. With all things teacher has to warn, school uniforms is just another task, whether they are wearing the skirt up too high or not buttoning the shirt properly. I would also think school uniforms would make it harder for teachers to memorize the newly students they have to teach for the year/semester, as the vast proportion of student's features would be similar.
     I have researched and I found out that some teachers think that school uniforms are actually sexism when it comes to mandatory skirts to girls. The teacher in this article expressed that she has to warn female students to sit properly, mind the skirts when sitting on the floor. She also expresses that she takes care of girls who become self-conscious about their underwear or boys watching their underwear. The amount of interaction that has to be done with girls is far more than those with boys.

Reference - http://girlsuniformagenda.org/2018/10/31/time-change-girls-uniform-teachers-perspective/

Company's Perspectives
     School uniforms are their product, and it being mandatory in schools promises lasting customers. But, with such a promising customer what matter becomes being the supplier that the customer wants. Thus, being the supplier of any school, the company has to think about the quality of the uniforms, else it is possible they might lose the contract.
Sociologist's Perspectives
     Sociologist states that school uniforms prevents gang-related violence, clothing theft, and imposition of discipline. They go into detail about how school uniforms perform in the life of students, but concluded that dress codes changes than eliminates the expressions, ethnicity, and group ideals that possibly can become the basis for school violence.

Reference - https://www.researchgate.net/publication/247739416_Sociological_Perspectives_on_Imposed_School_Dress_Codes_Consumption_as_Attempted_Suppression_of_Class_and_Group_Symbolism

Catholic's Perspective
     Catholic say that school uniforms are symbols of high quality education that Catholic schools give. They represent equality, discipline, and costs, something close to what I have discussed earlier. The equality of students, like the equality from love the god gives us. The discipline, creates a learning and loving environment, and it represent order. The cost is also close to what is mentioned earlier, and lifts the costs of clothes from parents.

Reference - https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/opinions/1987/11/09/school-uniforms-from-a-catholic-perspective/f8caae73-c824-4216-9f5a-19cfc70752a0/?utm_term=.63259ad4f65f

By Gobou
Edited By Kawasaki Drifter

